We offer a workshop called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made to explore how God has made us so we might serve Him. We spend time in several topics: a biblical understanding of personal identity, a biblical understanding of spiritual gifts, personality, and a look into our experiences and talents. Our goal is to connect the dots in all of these areas to better understand who we are. At the end, we discuss ways we might serve both at Brenneman and in the community. 


WHO: Senior high students and adults desiring to serve out of their gifts in our church or community.

WHEN: TBD - We will announce soon when the next workshop will be held.

COST: $5/person (payable the day of)


In order to prepare for attending the workshop, please take the following two assessments. It is good to write down any questions you may have after taking them and reading your results. Remember that assessments are not the final word, but merely a good starting point for further examination and awareness. We will use your results as part of our workshop to help you connect some of the dots. 

Download and take this spiritual gifts assessment. Bring the results with you. 

Take this free enneagram personality assessment. Bring the results with you. 

I'm Interested

Send Pastor Josh an email to register for the next workshop.

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