Brenneman entered into an interim period between senior pastors in the summer of 2021. During this interim period, we intend to not only wait on God but also to go on a strategic spiritual journey of discerning who we are and who God desires our church to be as we seek the next senior pastor. Come back to this page for regular updates on what is happening. 

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,

and in his word I put my hope.

I wait for the Lord

more than watchmen wait for the morning,

more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Psalm 130:5-6


July 11, 2021

Pastor Matt's last Sunday as senior pastor. 

August 22, 2021

District Superintendent, Rev. John Gregory, addresses Brenneman during the morning worship service. His message is below. Pastor Ken Bontrager is announced as Brenneman's interim pastor. Pastor Craig Garber is announced as the new Pastor of Pastoral Care. 

September 1, 2021

Pastor Ken and Pastor Craig begin in their new roles. 

September 19, 2021

Congregational meeting to explain the strategic spiritual journey and nominating people of passion to serve on the transition team.

October 17, 2021

The transition team is announced. It consists of 12 members: Kent Eby, Nate Esh, Ross Garber, Barb Mast, Mike Mast, Jared Mudrack, Cole Patuzzi, Jim Story, Kevin Strite, Ron Stump, Ruby Wertz, and Stan Yoder. 

October 24, 2021

Congregational meeting to introduce the 100 Days of Prayer and Discernment.

November 7, 2021

100 Days of Prayer and Discernment begins, with people praying in groups of three 10 times over the course of 100 days. At the end, prayer groups will submit to Pastor Ken 5-7 things they believe God is saying about the future of the church. 

November 30, 2021

Pastor Ken completes his meetings with individuals, families, and small groups to listen to where the church feels Brenneman is at now, including its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. 

January 11, 2022

The transition team, church board, and staff meet to work through Brenneman's history on a journey wall, looking for themes and God sightings along the way that will inform our future vision. 

January 18, 2022

The church board approves giving permission to the North Central District to make it known that Brenneman is looking for its next lead pastor.  

February 6, 2022

A questionnaire is given to the congregation to give input on characteristics they value in the next lead pastor. Results will be compiled by Pastor Ken and communicated to the church on February 27.

February 15, 2022

The church board appoints a search committee. The 100 days of discernment and prayer ends. Prayer triads begin giving their 5-7 insights to Pastor Ken.

February 19, 2022

The transition team, church board, and staff meet to finish the journey wall conversation.

March 22, 2022

District Superintendent John Gregory meets with the search committee as they begin their work.

April 19, 2022

The church board affirms the job description for the lead pastor based on input from a congregational survey about the qualities Brenneman desires in the next lead pastor. 

May 2022

The transition team appoints a writing team of Kent Eby, Cole Patuzzi, Kevin Strite, and Pastor Josh Hilty to flesh out the vision story of what the congregation will look like in the next 3-5 years.

May 22, 2022

The vision statement and vision story, having been affirmed by the transition team, are communicated to the congregation.


This is our visual representation of the transition process we are in. Each phase contains tasks that are completed by (mainly) the transition team and then other leaders, including the board and staff. As we make progress, we will keep checking off boxes below. Let's live in anticipation and excitement for how God leads us in our season of transition! 

Tasks of Connecting Phase

Work with staff to plan worship services

Initial assessment by interviewing leaders 

Congregation nominates people of passion for transition team

Launch 60/100 days of discernment

Pastoral visits and interviews with members of the congregation

Tasks of Assessing Church Health Phase

Church life cycle assessment 

Assessment of why churches struggle

SWOT assessment (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) 

Journey wall assessment of BMMC's story 

Report from pastoral visits and interviews written

Tasks of Identifying Needs Phase

Process the report with transition team

Complete the 60/100 days of discernment 

Identify recommended actions to address needs 

Tasks of Strategic Planning Phase

Process data (5-7 insights) from prayer triads 

Begin articulating BMMC's purpose, mission, and values 

Board forms a search committee

Tasks of Direction & Selection Phase

Finish articulating BMMC's purpose, mission, and values 

Articulate BMMC's vision for the future

Working with the district, search committee receives applications 

Process ends with selection of new lead pastor