Welcome to the Brenneman Blog

Welcome to our blog! 

Over the coming months, starting in January, I (Pastor Josh) will post here weekly to gradually reveal the discipleship wall in our foyer. Right now, it's blue and blank, but that will change. Each week, I'll film a video explaining new elements of our discipleship path. The blog will have some notes for those of you who prefer reading to watching the video. 

Each week, new pieces will be added to the wall in the foyer. This way, you'll be able to see how the different elements fit together as we become closer to Christ and make disciples.

For example, one thing we'll talk about is spiritual disciplines, listing a few that are common and important for all Christians. We'll share why they matter and how you might implement them in your life. 

Some of the language we'll use will be familiar, and some of it will be new. As with anything new, and especially anything new on a wall, it's easy for the words to be just that--words. Our goal is that this wall would display what we're actually doing rather than be just words.