Taking the next steps together

In our quest to make disciples, we take seriously the biblical witness of men and women following Jesus together. While it is important that each person's relationship with Jesus be very personal, we believe it is not enough to follow Jesus alone, on our own terms, the way we see fit. It is also not sufficient to keep what we've heard and experienced to ourselves. Passing on our faith to others is part of living out the Great Commission. Our hope is that we balance meeting together with seeking God alone, never choosing to keep our faith to ourselves.  



Our heritage extends back to the late 1800s, with a founder who broke from his Mennonite Church roots in Daniel Brenneman. Our name is in remembrance of the legacy he left of church planting, biblical preaching, and the need for revival.


We are part of The Missionary Church, an evangelical denomination committed to making disciples of Jesus around the world. We are part of the North Central District, a family of 60+ churches in northern Indiana and southern Michigan.


Perhaps this should go without saying, but we are a church, a local expression of the universal Church. We seek to serve Jesus, the Head of the Church. We exist not for ourselves, but for all who have yet to become part of a church. 



We were founded on November 17, 1878 by Daniel Brenneman and were known only as the Goshen Church. Initially, we met in barns, schools, or homes.


After experiencing similar revivals, a special conference was held in Ohio and the United Evangelical Mennonites and the Brethren in Christ formed a new denomination, Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Goshen Church was a part of that denomination for the next 64 years.


The church had grown to sufficient numbers to warrant their own house of worship. This building was dedicated on Sunday, January 19, 1896 under the leadership of Rev. Krupp and Elder Brenneman. The first structure was built at 202 Union Street (now known as 9th Street) in Goshen.


Following the death of Daniel Brenneman in 1919, the conference made a decision to include 'Brenneman Memorial' in the church name "as a tribute in appreciaton of his messages and council and of his qualities as a man." 


Growth again caused the congregation to seek a larger building. This was built at the corner of 8th and Jefferson Streets in Goshen.


Name changed to reflect our involvement with the United Missionary Church. Our name became Brenneman Memorial United Missionary Church.


The word, 'united' was removed from the church name after the merger dropped the word united.  Our name then was Brenneman Memorial Missionary Church.


We moved to our current facility after congregational growth had exploded and parking for the church was very limited to street parking.


The west wing was built to meet the need for additional classroom space to house youth, choir rehearsal rooms, and boys/girls bathrooms.


Due to yet another increase in attendance the decision was made to build a new wing to the north of the property.  That would include a children's wing and foyer space. On the south side, a fellowship hall and new offices were completed as part of this project.


Rev. Dan Cloud served as our senior pastor from 2001 until August 31, 2004 when he was fatally injured in a car accident while vactioning in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  The BMMC family had not only lost their beloved pastor but a dear friend as well.


Rev. Bill Richardson,  who was a close personal friend of Rev. Cloud, was ultimately selected by our search committee to serve as our senior pastor and would serve for the next twelve years.  Prior to Pastor Richardson's retirement in December of 2017, Rev. Matt Maloney was transitioned into the role of senior pastor after serving as the Brenneman Discipleship Pastor during the transition phase and served as senior pastor until July, 2021.